مخطط الموضوع

  • Contact Card

    Teacher: Dr. BROUTHEN Abdelaziz

    Faculty: Sciences &Technology

    Department: Architecture

    Targeted public: 3rd year Bachelor Architecture

    Module: Structure 2

    Teaching unit: Transversal

    Code: UET5

    Credit: 02

    Coefficient: 02

    Duration: 14 weeks


    Wednesday: 08h00 to 09h30: Lecture

    09h40 to 11h10: Tutorial TD (G01 & G02)

    Contact: by email at brouthen.abelaziz@gmail.com (Response will be within 36 hours )


    In Lab N°03 ( Scientific research Labs opposite the previous Faculty of Sciences & Technology):  Monday & Thursday (from 09h00 to 12h00) 

  • Course description

    Structure 2 course provides an introduction to the different types of structures and an approach to complex structures (particular and spatial) by allowing the student to think about design through the structure.

    It contains Two (2) chapters with a series of tutorials:

    • Chapter I: Long-Span Structures
    • Chapter II: Mechanical behavior of bracing

  • Concept map

  • Evaluation mode

  • General Objectives

    The aim of this module should be to define the different structures that can be integrated into the design activity of the project. It is important to :

    Identify the different types of structures
    Define the different areas of use and application of the different structures studied
    ✔Analysis & Design of the different types of structures

  • Prerequisites


    To ensure that the tutorials (TD) run smoothly, you need to know:

    • Notions of SOM (Strength of Materials)
    • Some mathematical concepts
    • Simple notions of physics



  • Prerequisite Test


  • Communication space

    • url icon
      رابط إلكتروني

      Please check the class link for the online session:

      Every Wednesday at:
      08h00 to 09h30: Lecture
      09h40 to 11h10: Tutorial (TD)

  • Chapter I: Long-Span Structures (Lecture N°01)


    Specific Objectives:

    • Identify the long-span structures, their history, classification, area of use, and the materials used. 
    • Identify various basic geometries of long-span buildings such as beams, trusses, Frames, arches, cables, plates, membranes, shells, and domes.
    • Analysis of beams, trusses, Frames, arches, and cables.

  • I.1. Long-Span Beams (Lecture N°01.1)


  • Tutorial N°01.1 (TD N°01.1): Beam Analysis ’’Analysis of Statically Determinate Beams”

  • I.2. Long-Span Trusses (Lecture N°01.2)


  • Tutorial N°01.2 (TD N°01.2): Truss Analysis ’’Analysis of Statically Determinate Trusses”

  • I.1. Long-Span Arches (Lecture N°01.3)


  • Tutorial N°01.3(TD N°01.3): Arch Analysis ’’Three-Hinged Arch”

  • Mini-Reaserch

    • فتحت: Wednesday، 31 January 2024، 12:00 AM
      تستحق: Tuesday، 9 April 2024، 12:00 AM
  • I.1. Long-Span Cables (Lecture N°01.4)


  • Tutorial N°01.4(TD N°01.4): Cable Analysis ’’Cable Subjected to Concentrated Loads”

  • I.1. Long-Span Plates, Membranes & Shell Structures(Lecture N°01.5)

  • Chapter II:Mechanical behaviour of Bracing (Lecture N°02)

    Specific Objectives:

    • Define the bracing (i.e., braced frames). 
    • Identify various types of braced frames.