Ce cours vise à initier les étudiants de première année à l'urbanisme. Il est divisé en deux parties distinctes. La première partie est prise en charge durant le premier semestre de l'année 2023/2024. Il s'agit en réalité d'habituer les étudiants de première année GTU aux concepts clés de l'urbanisme et de l'urbanisation à travers une série de cours spécifiques à leur formation allant des diverses définitions aux appréhension de la variété de connaissances autour de la ville, à l'histoire de la ville, aux approches ayant conduit ce domaine ainsi qu'aux théories ayant prévalues dans ce secteur très pointu vu l'amalgame des idées qui j'entourent. Ces cours sont répartis sur les 16 semaines que compte le premier semestre de cette année 2023/2024. Il s'agit en fait des cours suivants:

توزيع المحتوى

المحتوى المقرر



Definitions of the concepts (ILDEFONSIO Cerda and the first used of the term of Urbanization; Appearance of urban design in France; IBN Khaldoun and the Moukaddima and its relation with Urbanism; The Dictionary definition of Urban Design)

الحصة 01

الأسبوع 01:



الحصة 02

Definitions of the concepts (Urbanization; Urban Planning; Urban Management; Urban or Territorial Development; The rate of Urbanization; Roads and Various Networks; The Ruralization)

الحصة 01

الأسبوع 02:



الحصة 02

History of the birth of new settlements (Natural level; Complex level; Birth of the village; Birth of the city)

الحصة 01

الأسبوع 03:



الحصة 02

History of the birth of new settlements (Requirements of the human collectivity; The Motives of the birth of city; The organization of the city)

الحصة 01

الأسبوع 04:



الحصة 02

History of the birth of new settlements (The factors of appearance of cities: Economic factor; Defensive factor; Political explanation; Religious explanation; Transport explanation)

الحصة 01

الأسبوع 05:



الحصة 02

General informations on urbanism (Some definitions of the city according to Dalmasso, to Karl Marx, to Henri Lefebvre, to Pierre Laborde; Synthetic definition of Aydalot)

الحصة 01

الأسبوع 06:



الحصة 02

General informations on urbanism (Distinction between Town and Country; The city as a place of Human Concentration; Laws and stratum of the cities in Algeria; The city as a product of historical development)

الحصة 01

الأسبوع 07:



الحصة 02

General informations on Urbanism (The city as a structured place; The city as a regulated place; The city as a reflection of social organization: The city as a system)

الحصة 01

الأسبوع 08:



الحصة 02

The Urbanism (Disciplinary and professional fields as urban planning theories and urban planning practices and their different dimensions)

الحصة 01

الأسبوع 09:



الحصة 02

Issues and Professional applications (Objective of the Work of Town Planners and organization of the networks, Distribution of equipments, Morphology of cities, Economic activities and the role of Town Planners)

الحصة 01

الأسبوع 10:



الحصة 02

Political, commercial and industrial cities (First nuclei of human settlements; second nuclei of human settlements; Third nuclei of human settlements)

الحصة 01

الأسبوع 11:



الحصة 02

Political, commercial and industrial cities (Domination of functions; The urban phenomenon; Historical characteristics of cities)

الحصة 01

الأسبوع 12:



الحصة 02

Urban planning and its applications (Urban planning instruments; Instruments in Algeria, objectives, The fields of applications of urban planning)

الحصة 01

الأسبوع 13:



الحصة 02

The urban phenomenon: causes and consequences (Causes of urban phenomenon; Consequences of urban phenomenon)

الحصة 01

الأسبوع 14:



الحصة 02

The urban approaches in 19th and 20th centuries (Progressive; culturalist and functionalist models; Naturalist, typo morphological, Landscape, modernist and systemic approaches)

الحصة 01

الأسبوع 15:



الحصة 02

العطلة الشتوية 21/12/2023 الى 07/01/2024

The CIAM: The urban Biotope and psychotope

الحصة 01

الأسبوع 16



الحصة 02

امتحانات السداسي الأول