La chimie verte, appelée aussi chimie durable ou chimie écologique, prévoit la mise en œuvre de principes pour réduire et éliminer l'usage ou la génération de substances néfastes pour l'environnement

 Technical English Content

Part 1

 1-a-Reading comprehension: reading and analysis of texts related to the specialty:

1-b-Oral comprehension: from authentic  video material of scientific popularization, note taking , summary and presentation of the document

 Part 2

 2-a- Oral expression: presentation of a scientific or technical subject,development and exchange of oral messages (ideas and data), Telephone communication.

2-b-written expression extraction of ideas of a scientific document, writing of a messages,exchange of inforomation in writing,  writing of resumes, letters of request for internships or jobs.




Edit-Chebbi R -2020