Parts of speech

3. Verbs

After dealing with this chapter, the student will be able to 

-differentiate between action, linking and helping verbs 

-use each type of verb in its right place 

1. Action Verbs: An action verb tells what action (physical : run, move, dance, or moral : believe, dream, recognize) a subject is performing, has performed or will perform

2. Linking Verbs: A linking verb expresses a state of being of the subject 

The most common linking verbs are the forms of "to be" (is, are, was, were, am, been, being) and APPEAR, BECOME, FEEL, GROW, PROVE, GET, LOOK, SEEM, SMELL, SOUND, TASTE, STAY, TURN, GO 

These verbs link the subject of a sentence with a predicate nominative or a predicate adjective

3. Helping Verbs: A verb often includes one or more helping verbs, called "auxiliary verbs" or "modal auxiliaries" 

A verb and its helping verb form a "verb phrase" 

The common helping verbs are : be (am, was, were, is, are, been, being), have (has, had), do (does, did), might, may, must, can, could, shall, should, will, would