Aperçu des semaines

  • Fiche-Contact

    Enseignant de la matière: Dr. TRIKI Manel

    Contact: manel.triki@univ-biskra.dz

    Coéfficient: 02

    Crédit: 04

    Volume horaire globale: 72 heures (24 semaines)

    Volume horaire de travail requis/semaine: 3 heures

    Modalité d'évaluation: 50% évaluation continue et 50% pour un examen

  • Objectifs du cours

    By the end of this module, the student will 

    -Acquire a wide range of vocabulary 

    -be able to understand basic grammar rules and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading 

    -be able to use parts of speech correctly in written and spoken language 

    - recognize different verb tenses in English

    - be able to use verbs in their right tense

  • Pré-requis

    students should be able to 

    -understand basic words in english 

    -create a simple sentence SVO

  • Table of contents

    1. Articles
    2. Pronouns
    3. Verbs (Action, linking and helping verbs)
    4. Prepositions
    5. Adjectives
    6. Adverbs
    7. Conjunctions
    8. Interjections
    9. Verbs' Tenses (past, present, future)

    Page: 1Livres: 2
  • Chapter 1

    Forum: 1Chat: 1Fichiers: 2Dossier: 1Paquetage SCORM: 1URL: 1Devoir: 1Wiki: 1Glossaire: 1Sondages: 2Test: 1Leçon: 1
  • Chapitre 2

    Chat: 1Forum: 1Fichiers: 2URL: 1Paquetage SCORM: 1Devoir: 1Wiki: 1Glossaire: 1Sondage: 1Test: 1Leçon: 1
  • Chapitre 3

    Chat: 1Forum: 1Fichiers: 2Paquetage SCORM: 1URL: 1Devoir: 1Wiki: 1Glossaire: 1Sondage: 1Test: 1
  • Votre Avis

    Consultation: 1