Résumé de section

    • course objectives.

      To develop skills in learning and teaching by integrating innovative pedagogical and didactic approaches to promote a deep understanding and practical application of acquired knowledge.

    • Since the 1900s, Maria Montessori's method "consisted of giving the child the opportunity to live naturally and to stimulate their spontaneity." More relevant than ever, her concepts are now taught to teachers who wish to incorporate more pedagogy into their lessons.

    • Freinet pedagogy is an educational approach developed by the French educator Célestin Freinet in the 1920s. It is based on the idea that learning should be child-centered and encourage autonomy, creativity, and personal expression. This method emphasizes learning through experience, observation, and collaborative work.

    • Ouverture : lundi 20 janvier 2025, 00:00
      À rendre : lundi 27 janvier 2025, 00:00

      Based on your prior knowledge and the content of Document 4, highlight the key elements related to pedagogy.