Aperçu des sections

    • The following are the three sociolinguistics questions suggested for the doctoral contest of 2020/2021 held in Biskra University:

      1. Romaine (2000, p.88) asserts that "standard languages do not arise via a natural course of linguistic evolution or suddenly spring into existence". Discuss!
      2. Algeria is a meeting ground for a number of languages making language contact a prevalent sociolinguistic evolution. Discuss!
      3. It is agreed among sociolinguists that language use is highly structured and not random in the sense that it is conditioned by the social structure. Discuss!
      *Doctoral questions are written before the examination and only one of them, the third in this case, gets selected randomly.

      Students are invited to have an attempt at impromptu developing one, or more, of these questions into an essay and send their attempts to this email: hoadjli.ling.l3@gmail.com. Inquiries and comments are also welcomed.

  • Course Description and Contents

  • Theme 01: Linguistics in the Twentieth Century

    • All the lectures included within "Theme One: Linguistics in the 20th Century".

    • A set of PowerPoint slides that summarize the contents of Theme One and highlight its major points.

    • Students are asked to answer the questions found in the attached document to help them prepare for the coming lecture on Tuesday/Wednesday, December 29/30, 2020 beforehand. The answers to the questions will not be evaluated. They are given for the sole purpose of guidance and preparation to encourage discussion between the student and the lecturer, and the student with the lecture itself.

    • Students are asked to answer the questions found in the attached document to help them prepare for the coming online lecture on Saturday, January 09th, 2020.

    • Students are asked to answer the attached optional in-take home test, whose answer keys will be provided on Friday the 22nd of January, 2021, to recapitulate the contents of Theme One.

    • The answer keys for the in-take home test that was meant to tackle the basic elements of theme one. Students can find the scoring scale next to each activity so that they can self-assess themselves. As for the last part and activity, the composition, students can find a set of general instructions upon which they can approximately score their written products and employ/avoid while writing their future ones.
    • This document is meant to culminate theme one and recall its main key items in a form of a discussion triggered by questions. This discussion will take place during the first lecture after the resumption of the courses on the 23rd of this month (Monday at 10 for section one, and Tuesday at 9 for section two) . It is worth mentioning that students are not required to deliver their answers since they will not be evaluated upon them. However, they are more than welcome to present their answers to these questions along with other inquires.

  • Theme 02: Sociolinguistics

    • All the items included within "Theme Two: Sociolinguistics".

    • A total of three extracts that deal with the major items of theme two (Origins, Scope, and Development of Sociolinguistics). Students are required to analyse these fused documents in order to answer the questions that will be evaluated and thoroughly discussed during their tutorial sessions from Saturday 23rd to Thursday 28th of this month.

    • Following the careful reading of the concerned book chapter(s), students are to answer the attached questions that will be evaluated and thoroughly discussed during their tutorial sessions from Saturday 23rd to Thursday 28th of this month.
    • Students from both sections are asked to answer the questions found in the attached document to help them prepare for the coming lecture on Thursday, January 28th, 2020, which discusses "Theme Two: Sociolinguistics".

  • Theme 03: Language Variation

    • All the items included within "Theme Three: Language Variation".

    • A number of merged documents dealing with theme three "Language variation". Students are required to analyse these documents in order to answer the questions that will be evaluated and thoroughly discussed during their tutorial sessions from Saturday 30th of January to February the 4th.

    • Following the careful reading of the concerned book chapter(s), students are to answer the attached questions that will be evaluated and thoroughly discussed during their tutorial sessions from Saturday 30th of January to February the 4th.

    • Students from both sections are recommended to answer the questions found in the attached document in preparation for the coming lecture on Monday/Tuesday, 1st/2nd, February, 2021, which deals with the main notions of "Theme Three: Language Variation".

  • Theme 04: Language Contact and Change

    • All the items included within "Theme Four: Language Contact and Change".

    • A set of PowerPoint slides that summarise the contents of Theme Four and highlight its major points.
    • A number of merged documents dealing with theme four "Language Contact and Change". Students are required to analyse these documents in order to answer the questions that will be evaluated and thoroughly discussed during their tutorial sessions from Sunday 21st to Thursday 25th of this month.

    • Following the careful reading of the concerned book chapter(s), students are to answer the attached questions that will be evaluated and thoroughly discussed during their tutorial sessions from Sunday 21st to Thursday 25th of this month.

    • Students are recommended to answer the questions found in the attached document to help them prepare for the coming lecture on Thursday, February 04th, 2021.


    • Students are hereby informed that they can find the continuation of the curriculum (Semester 06) by clicking on this link.