Aperçu des sections



    • Aim and scope of the English for Master one of strategic management as an ESP course

  • pre- requis

  • Section 4

  • Section 5

  • Section 6

  • Section 7

    • These are the things that a business must be able to do exceptionally well if it is to attain a leading position in a particular market. For example, in the highly competitive world of the major supermarkets the key success factors include:

      ·        site location and acquisition;

      ·        average store size;

      ·        IT systems linking point of sale to logistics;

      ·        accurate and rapid feedback from consumer research;

      ·        purchasing power.

  • Section 8

      1. Competitive strategy and general analytical techniques (Porter, 1998b)

      1.1.  Chapter 1: key concepts: the structural analysis of industries

      1.2. Strategy’s formulation from the Classic approach view

  • Section 9

  • Section 10

  • Section 11

  • Section 12