Cognitive Psychology is used throughout the entire range of human knowledge, perception, activity, speech processing, memory, sensation, problem solving and thinking about learning. The course will give students knowledge of the most important concepts, themes, problems and empirical research in modern cognitive theory as it concerns how we receive, interpret, edit, use and save information. The course will deal with the study of both general traits and individual differences.

By the completion of the course the student will be able to :

·         Describe the historical development of cognitive psychology.

·         Recognize and explain major terms and concepts in cognitive psychology  (including but not limited to perception, attention, memory, knowledge, imagery, language, problem solving, and reasoning and decision making)..

·         Explain how different methods of cognitive research can be used as tools to understand mental processes

·         Describe the working of basic cognitive functions from an information processing perspective

The course presents English for Specific Purposes (ESP) as an approach to English language teaching with its development and current state. Third-year students will learn different notions related to ESP and how it is different from teaching English for General Purposes (EGP). Furthermore, students will discuss, rationalize, then practice the process of ESP course design in order to be ready for any occupational opportunities that may arise after they graduate. Thus, be able to teach ESP classes more efficiently. 

The L3 written expression course focuses on developing students' writing skills and minimizing the number of errors committed while writing essays. 

As far as the first semester is concerned, students will be introduced to the contexts, key concepts, and literary works that are relevant to 19th century British literature. In addition to the accumulation of theoretical knowledge, student will be expected to acquire practical critical skills for the analysis of various literary texts.

Anglicized version of "Etude de textes de civilisation" - undergraduate class (Licence) - semester 5