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Parts of speech

2. Pronouns

After dealing with this chapter, the student will be able to 

-differentiate between various types of pronouns

-use the appropriate pronoun in its appropriate place

-avoid unnecessary repetition by the use of pronouns 

1. Personal Pronouns I , you, she, he, it, they, we, you and me, you, her, him, it, us, you, them

They refer to specific persons or things (that have been already mentioned) and change their form to indicate person, number, gender, and case.

We usually use "it" for an animal. we can use "she" or "he" when we think of an animal as having human qualities or a special personality, for example : when it is a pet or a character of a story

personal pronouns can work also as direct or indirect objects of a verb or after a preposition, they are me, you, her, him, it, us, you, them

2. Possessive pronounsmine, yours, hers, his, its, ours, theirs

They are forms of personal pronouns that show ownership or relation

We use them in place of pessessive noun phrases

3. Reflexive Pronouns: myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves

They are used to refer back to the subject of the sentence and stand as objects

They indicate that someone or something acts upon itself

They are formed by combining personal pronouns with "self" or "selves"

They are also used after nouns or pronouns to emphasize them, they are called "intensive pronouns".

4. Demonstrative Pronounsthis, these, that, those

They point to and identify a noun or a pronoun

Near in distance and time THIS, THESE

Far in distance or time THAT, THOSE Examples : THIS is my seat, THAT is yours

we can use THIS/THESE to introduce people and THAT/THOSE to identify people

5. Interrogative Pronouns: who, whom, which, what, whose

They are used to ask questions 

WHO ? WHOM and usually WHICH are used to refer to people 

WHICH and WHAT are used to refer to things and animals